La rentrée (back to school) is a hectic time for families, schools and teachers alike. In this section we have brought together all the information that Anglophone Section families need to be aware of for the start of the academic year. If you have any questions that are not answered below, or if you need further information, please do contact the Anglophone Section on
On this page you can find out more about:
Social and networking support for families that are new to Lyon and / or new to the Anglophone Section
Life in the Anglophone Section a presentation for new Anglophone Section families, and a guide to "Everyday Life" at the CSI Lyon
Back to School information for primary, collège and lycée students. The programmes are updated by the CSI Lyon administration each year, with the current year's programmes becoming available at the end of the summer holidays.
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Stationery & Supplies lists these will be updated from year to year, and will be made available on this page when they are confirmed for the upcoming year.
Extra-curricular activities the programme for extra-curricular activities changes each year and is usually finalised a few weeks after the start of the school year.
Welcome to all the new families joining the Anglophone Section!
To help new families settle in Lyon, APESA has put in place practical support and opportunities to connect with the school community. These include:
The APESA Welcome Committee, which aims to bring new families together at informal social events throughout the school year. These include regular coffee mornings, book sales, potluck suppers and other events.
The CSI Anglophone Section Parents Facebook Group: this provides an informal contact point for APESA parents. You can make a request to join the group here.
The Anglophone Section website, which is kept up-to-date with information about the CSI and the Section.
The Anglophone Section community calendar, which includes all the important academic, administrative and social events for the Anglophone Section students and parents.
If you want to find out more being part of the Anglophone Section community, please contact the APESA President on
Life in the Anglophone Section: information for new families
At the start of each year, during the first week of school, a meeting is organised where the APESA President and the Head of Section welcome new parents to the Section. A "New Parents Presentation" is made (this year's presentation is shared below), which provides an overview of the Anglophone Section. In addition to this, staff have produced a guide to "Everyday Life at the CSI", which provides lots of useful information for new students and their families.
Back-to-School 2020: Information for all families
In this section you’ll find everything that you need to know to ensure that the start of the school year goes smoothly. Please read these documents carefully, and contact us on if you have any questions or need more information. Please note that:
The CSI Lyon administration organises the return of all students in primary and secondary, and the arrangements can change from year to year. The return of students in secondary (collège and lycée) is usually staggered over the first week. Please read the official schedule carefully to find out when and where your children will be expected to present themselves.
To help new families the Anglophone Section has produced a simplified, English-language version of the schedule, which outlines the programme for students and parents for the first week of school. ​
Stationery & Supplies Lists​
In France students are generally expected to purchase their own stationery, workbooks (cahiers) and other supplies for use in the classroom. Lists are made available by the CSI Lyon administration before the end of the year, for the year ahead, and are usually given directly to students by their professeur(e) principal(e).
Stationery lists for French classes 2020-2021
Please click on the links given below to access the 2020-2021 stationery list for each year level.
Lycée list (seconde, première and terminale)
Lists for collège
Lists for primaire​​
Click here for the French primary stationery lists
Stationery lists for Anglophone Section classes 2020-2021
In collège and lycée Anglophone Section teachers may provide an additional list of supplies and / or texts to be purchased. This will be given to students during the first week of classes.
For primary pupils, Anglophone Section teachers have prepared a separate list of supplies that are to be brought to school at the start of the year, and will be stored in their classroom.
Extra-curricular activities for Anglophone Section students 2020-2021
Teachers in the Anglophone Section offer a range of extra-curricular activities for students to join in with at lunchtime and after school. The details of the activities on offer in 2020-2021 are listed below.
Please contact the organising teacher if you want to find out more about joining one of the clubs or activities.