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Edition 4 - June 2022



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Supporting the Anglophone Section community

Primary Kermesse: celebrating 30 years of the CSI Lyon!

Huge thanks are due to Audrey Davidenkoff and Polina Kuklina, our two brave volunteers who took on the huge challenge of organising this year's Anglophone Section stand for the primary kermesse!  This involved coming up ideas for activities that fitted in with the '30 Years of the CSI' celebration theme, recruiting volunteers to run the stands and keeping everything on schedule on the big day. Thanks are also due to all the parents who volunteered to run the stands throughout the day, and those who contributed cakes and gifts for the Tombola. Audrey told us more about how the event rolled out on the day. 


"(The volunteers) help was really fantastic on the day, everyone was there on time and happy to participate. It was... fantastic to see so many families joining at 4.30pm. The 1-hour slot was too short, nobody wanted to go: Mr Fino said he will do a full apéritif, dinner and a party next year! We have never seen so many smiles on the kids faces for the full day. 


The face painting/tattoo activity was an absolute success, we were the last stall to close - very late - and we were not even sure we would be able to close at some point as there were always new children coming to get their tattoo! It was so nice to see they were as interested in the « CSI 30th birthday » design than the classical dolphins, hearts and other spiders stencils, they love their school! 


We also have an absolute star baker mum in the Section who prepared the most gorgeous baskets of delicious treats for the kids. We had to split it all so that there were some available for each slot, and each time... everything was gone in a few minutes!"

APESA End-of-Year Soirée

"It was great to see old friends, meet new ones, and get to know some of the teachers outside of the four walls of the CSI." Anglophone Section parent

The parents and staff of the Anglophone Section celebrated the end of the school year in style on 23rd June, with a wine-and-nibbles soirée at the Novotel GerlandOver 100 parents and Section staff were in attendance, enjoying an informal and relaxed evening together for the first time in over two years. 


The evening was organised by the new Volunteer Committee, which aims to re-establish the active community life of the Section. Watch this space for more events coming your way next year!


We are looking forward to seeing you - at la rentrée 2022!

Before we wish bon voyage to all our families for the summer, we want to tell you about the exciting events that are already being planned for the rentrée - and beyond! 

Tour of the CSI Lyon for new families


Tuesday 30th August


Tour of the school buildings for new Anglophone Section families. 

Back-to-school potluck Picnic! 

All Anglophone Section families are invited to join us for a picnic to celebrate the return to school: Parc de Gerland, Saturday 10 September. Details TBC.

  • This year marks the 30th anniversary of the CSI Lyon and the Anglophone Section is involved in planning a number of events to celebrate. 

  • A Welcome Back coffee morning will be planned for September, all parents to be invited.

  • A programme of fun social events, for parents and students, is being considered, which might include boat trips, evening events, guided walks and coffee mornings. 

We are very hopeful that this year we will see the return of all the usual school events: the Halloween party, the Open Day, Book Fair and the Christmas Markets. These events help to enrich the life of the school and the volunteer committee will be looking for parents to help support these events as best they can. 


We will also be looking for new library volunteers in primary and in secondary: watch your inboxes to find out how to get involved! 

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