UNIFROG: a one-stop-shop for research, information and organisation
UNIFROG is a powerful research and organisational tool, a ‘one-stop-shop’ where students can research university courses taught in English across the world. Students can use UNIFROG to:
Explore future career options
Research university courses taught in English across the world
Find out about the application process for the different courses that they are interested in
Manage their university applications by tracking their progress, collating and storing important documents
Access a range of live webinars and other events delivered by subject experts and universities.
UNIFROG accounts are made available to students (and their parents) from 3eme upwards. Initial access details are sent by email to all students. They can then log onto the UNIFROG platform and create their own account, which they will keep until the end of their time at the CSI Lyon.
Students should note that the UNIFROG service only covers university courses that are taught in English. If students are considering further education options taught in French at French universities, they will need to explore these separately through the CSI Lyon orientation service (details are given below).
University Guidance: Information for students & parents
Each year the University Guidance team organise information sessions where advice and guidance is given to students who are starting to research different courses and institutions. Presentations are made by the University Guidance advisers, which focus on different geographical locations and provide specific advice for each area. Feel free to browse through the presentations shared below: new ones will be added through the year as they are made.
The University Guidance Service aims to support students as they explore their future career options and to make informed choices about higher education outside France. Overall, the aim is to enable students to be as autonomous as possible, while providing support when it is needed.
The University Guidance Team
Within the Section Ms David and Ms Cassan have taken on the role of university guidance advisers, working closely with the Head of Section to provide advice and guidance to students. The university guidance team can be contacted through the UNIFROG platform or at
Applying to go to university is a big step and, while our university guidance team will be on hand to help, it is important that students take on the overall responsibility for their own applications. With the process kicking off in 3ème, students will benefit by taking a proactive and informed approach to exploring their post-bac options.
University guidance advisers will...
Organise and make presentations to students and parents of different year groups, giving appropriate advice and guidance.
Track individual student progress and assist is moving forward with all aspects of applying to university.
Provide information requested from the school by prospective universities (transcripts, explanation about the Bac, OIB and BFI).
Meet (on request) by appointment with students and their families to give individual guidance. Contact the team on
Students / applicants will need to...
Make active use of UNIFROG to carry out their own detailed research about career options, university courses and other relevant information.
Request and obtain personal statements and references from appropriate referees, when these are required.
Be organised and aware of deadlines! Students will not be chased to submit paperwork on time, once a deadline has been set.
Research the financial implications their chosen course, including funding, tuition fees, living (maintenance) costs, loans, grants, scholarships or bursaries. This is particularly relevant in relation to Brexit and changes in the funding situation for EU nationals and for British nationals who are EU residents.
Find out about student visas / permits or any other legal requirements that they might need to meet to study in the country of their choice.
Post-bac studies at French institutions
Advice is available from the conseillère d'orientation for collège and lycée at the CSI Lyon (Mme Khalouche, by appointment only. To make an appointment students should contact the vie scolaire for collège / lycée). Students can also approach French subject teachers and their professeur(e) principal(e) for advice.
Various events are organised each year at the CSI Lyon including the INTERSEC Careers Fair for 2nde students, where parent-volunteers make presentations about different career options. There are also the Journées de l’Enseignement supérieur and the Semaine de l’orientation, which are usually held early in the year before Parcoursup (French government platform for applying to higher education in France) opens.
Please note that while the UNIFROG platform will provide information on courses taught in France, in English, it doesn't cover French language courses at French institutions.