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Edition 3 - April 2022



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Primary library

Ms Ayers, primary library coordinator

A haul of exciting, student-recommended books arrived this term and have been in high demand ever since. Ranging from new fantasy sagas to graphic novels that document the civil rights movement, the range is as diverse and lively as the students who recommended them!


We are also delighted that parent-volunteers will be returning to the primary library, to help out, read stories and offer support to our students looking to choose new and exciting books. Our parent-volunteers are a huge asset to the library and we are so grateful to have their support. 


Coming up, we have an injection of new titles for our restricted section, available to CM2’s with permission. If you would like your CM2 child to have access to these books then please, send an email to their class teacher!

Children Reading

Collège & lycée library

Ms Rozé, collège & lycée library coordinator

A Poet in our Midst….

Recently, one of our 5eme students, Ruby Celemenski-Green, was inspired by a novel she had checked out of the Anglophone Secondary library. The novel Me (Moth), which is written entirely in verse, inspired Ruby to write a poem of her own. After reading her poem, Mrs Rozé thought it would be great to share her poem with Amber McBride, the author of the novel (this is the power of social media at its best!). Not only was the author responsive, she shared that this was the first feedback she had received from a student reading her novel. Included (right) are the poem that Ruby wrote and the response from the author: a lovely reminder that writers love to hear from their readers and to always be inspired by what we read!

Check us out on Instagram!

The secondary library now has an INSTAGRAM account! We have been working hard to build a space where we can share what is going on in the library in real time. Our Technology Club has created "book snaps" (videos where readers share books they are loving) and we are planning to have polls and other fun interactive posts to connect to the Secondary Library.


Search for us using the QR code or by our name: AS_SECONDARY_LIBRARY on Instagram. We cannot wait to connect with you!


Looking for parent-volunteers for the secondary library!

Our parent-volunteers play a huge part in the success of the Anglophone Section libraries. Thanks to them we can open the library during the day, providing a quiet place for children to study, work, read and borrow from our ever-expanding collection of books! Parent-volunteers help supervise the students in the library, loan out and receive books, and generally help organise the library stock. 


At the moment we are looking for new volunteers to help out in the secondary library. If you can spare 2 hours per week in the morning / at lunchtime please contact to get in touch. 

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