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Edition 3 - April 2022



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Message from the Head of Section

Dear Students and Parents,


The second term has finished and the school is awakening to the sights and sounds of Spring. The thick heavy coats, gloves and hats are being shed and the students take time to enjoy the sunshine outside between class hours. Along with the coats we have shed our masks and now we welcome back the happy smiles and laughter which have been hidden for so long. However, just as the winter has not quite slipped its icy grip, we must keep aware of the potential return of the virus and remain vigilant.


The term has been challenging with regard to the students’ workload and now the terminal students are on the last path towards their final examinations. Many of them have applied to universities outside France including excellent universities in North America, UK, the Netherlands, Italy and Spain. They have been helped by our excellent University Guidance team, who make good use of the Unifrog platform as a means to explore options and organise applications. Our 3ème, 2nde and 1ère students have all been introduced to the service and we are currently exploring how it can be used more effectively for our students’ career orientation.


Although challenged by the Covid restrictions, extra-curricular activities have continued throughout the term. A new ILYMUN team has been created and they have begun to prepare for the next conference which they hope to hold in the Hôtel de Région in January 2023. The Green Club, led by Mr Mckain, is investigating how we can reduce the environmental impact of our message inboxes. Joyfully, our primary students have been carefully monitoring the hatching of their first batch of chicks via a live stream set up by Ms Fullerton.


The secondary teachers have been busy preparing the students for their exams, not just the OIB (option internationale de baccalauréat) (1ère/Term) but also the International General Certificate of Education English exams (4ème/3ème) and the London Academy of Dramatic Arts (2nde). The decision of the French Ministry of Education to introduce a new French International Baccalaureate (BFI) which will replace the OIB in 2024 is resulting in major changes for our Section: from September 2022, our 1ère students will be working towards this new qualification which includes a much heavier weighting for the subjects taught by the section.


We are looking forward to the lighter and warmer (hopefully not too warm) months of our third and final term. Already our 6ème/5ème students have gone off on their first trip and other trips are planned for later in the term. Our primary students are looking forward to welcoming a theatre group during their ‘language week’ and other classes will be meeting visiting speakers. With these happy prospects in mind, I, on behalf of the staff of the Anglophone Section, wish you all a sunny and joy-filled Spring.


Kind regards

Rob Miller

Head of the Anglophone Section

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